Monday, October 5, 2015

Selection for Recruitment of Fresh Graduates

            The purpose of this study was to explore the selection for recruitment of fresh graduates at Bandar Puchong Jaya. It was To ensure that Fresh graduate selection for recruitment at Bandar Puchong Jaya refers to the process of searching and obtaining potential job applicants from graduates in sufficient quantity and quality so that potential employers can select the most suitable candidates to fill in their job vacancies and to examine and uncover the effectiveness of the selection for recruitment among organization at Bandar Puchong Jaya. The study will obtain information from one hundred (100) respondents from fresh graduates at Bandar Puchong Jaya through the use of questionnaires. Among the recommendations will make were that potential fresh graduates should all be treated fairly in the selection for recruitment, more so employees must be appraise constantly to ensure that they improve upon their performance.

DETAILS                                                                                                  PAGE

I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                                              1
II ABSTRACT                                                                                                                   2
IIITABLE OF CONTENT                                                                                                 3

INTRODUCTION                                                                                                             4
1.0 Introduction                                                                                                                  4
1.2 Background to the Study                                                                                             4
1.3 Research Problem                                                                                                         5
1.4 Research Objectives                                                                                                      5
1.5 Research Questions                                                                                                       6
1.6 Significance of the Study                                                                                             6
1.7 Scope of the Study                                                                                                       6
1.8 Definition of Key Terms                                                                                               7
1.9 Conclusion                                                                                                                    7

2.0 Introduction                                                                                                                 8
2.1 The Concept of Recruitment and Selection                                                                 8
2.2 Recruitment and Selection Process                                                                             10
2.3 Recruiting Sources/Method                                                                                        14
2.4 Challenges of Recruitment and Selection                                                                   17
2.5 Theoretical Framework                                                                                               18
2.6 Hypothesis                                                                                                                  20
2.7 Conclusion                                                                                                                  20

3.0 Introduction                                                                                                                21
3.1 Research Model                                                                                                          21
3.2 Research Design                                                                                                         22
3.2.1 Types of Study                                                                                                        22
3.3 Population                                                                                                                   23
3.4 Sample Size                                                                                                                 23
3.5 Sampling Technique                                                                                                    23
3.6 Scale and Measurement                                                                                              23
3.7 Questionnaire Design                                                                                                  23
3.8 Data collection Method                                                                                              30
3.9 Data Analysis                                                                                                              31
3.9.1 Correlation                                                                                                               31
3.9.2 Multiple Regression                                                                                                 31
4.0 Conclusion                                                                                                                  32
4.1 References                                                                                                                              32
4.2 Appendix (Questionnaire)                                                                                                      35


This research will discuss about selection process of fresh graduates. This Chapter begins on problem statement. Then, it will be continued with research objectives, significance of the study. The research proposal further will focus on scope of study.

            The selection for Recruitment is an important element in Human Resource Management task that needs to be done by the HR manager. The main reason companies engage in the selection for recruitment is because they want to appoint the right person at the right job (Dale 2004). There are different stages in a selection for recruitment for example Job analysis, Recruitment, Selection and Induction/follow up.
The human resource (HR) manager needs to understand the benefit of having effective recruitment in the organisation. It is important to employ high quality employees because they can achieve the goals of the company. This will reduce the risk of having incompetent employees that could affect the organisation in achieving its long term goals. Effective recruitment is beneficial because vacancies are filled quickly and performance is maintained. And the organisation does not need to worry about financial losses because the hiring of staff is done immediately and effectively.
An organisation must plan their selection for recruitment before appointing new staff. First of all human resources managers need to know “how many people” (Armstrong 2003) are needed and “what sort of people” (Armstrong 2003) with skills are they looking for in the organisation. It is important to forecast the needs of manpower in different department areas of the organisation in order to achieve the long term strategies of the company

            The rising unemployment rate among the graduates in Bandar Puchong Jaya is an upsetting trend. For many years, the problem cropped up again and again, made the news headlines, and even hit the parliament. Higher education is become no longer a symbol of future career success. There are many research looked on the reason why the Malaysian fresh graduates are unemployment. For example Hansad (2005) simplified the reasons of unemployment is because of lack of soft skills such as communication skills, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, poor in English and computer skills. Also Aminah, A. & Nithyaroobini, M. (2010) found That the labour market such as services sector requires people who do not only possess the right technical knowledge, but also possess the right soft skills which comprises of interpersonal, communication, good judgment and maturity. Nowadays, it is difficult to get graduates with a combination of both skills. In addition to that, fluent English speaking graduates can be hardly found in the current working environment, one of the factors that the biggest challenge is the unemployment rate for fresh graduates among graduates in Malaysia. Therefore, fresh graduates have to compete hard with the ability to control many candidate get a job. This research proposal will discussed the selection for recruitment of fresh graduates at Bandar Puchong Jaya. It will help fresh graduates to handling and references for them how selection for recruitment.

  1. To explore what futures that determine the selection for recruitment at fresh graduates at Bandar Puchong Jaya.
  2. To address recommendation for future, selection for recruitment research.

       I.            What factor that determine the selection for recruitment of fresh graduates at Bandar Puchong Jaya?
    II.            What are other recommendations for future, selection for recruitment?

            The study of the topic is mainly to identify Fresh graduate selection for recruitment in Bandar Puchong Jaya refers to the process of searching and obtaining potential job applicants from graduates in sufficient quantity and quality so that potential employers can select the most suitable candidates to fill in their job vacancies. This is important because this research will helpful for fresh graduate in Bandar Puchong Jaya.
            The research will be conduct in Bandar Puchong Jaya. I am targeting one hundred respondents in this area. In Bandar Puchong Jaya have different demographics backgrounds. In Bandar Puchong Jaya, there are many private companies so we targeting this city to easy to doing my research. Furthermore, there are lots of colleges and I easy to find the fresh graduates to distributed questioners to respond for research.

1.7       SCOPE OF STUDY
            The research proposal deals with the recruitment and selection process in terms of theoretical point of view and the practical use. The study will allow learning about the recruitment and selection issues, importance, modern techniques and models used to make it more efficient. The study will help to learn the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover the study will help to define what are the factors that will influence companies to select the new workers differentiate between the practice and the theories that direct to realize how the organization can improve their recruitment and selection process.


            A fresh graduate is a person that has just recently graduated. They usually have little to no skill sets, making them ideal for apprenticeships, entry-level positions, and internships (

            Recruitment is The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. The recruitment process includes analysing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization.(business

            According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation”.
            Selection is once the potential applicants are identified, the next step is to evaluate their qualification, qualities, experiences, capabilities and make the selection.
It is the process of offering jobs to the desired applicants. (

            Overall, Chapter 1 indicate the beginning of this research that cover on introduction, background of study, problem statements, and research questions, research objectives, significance of study and scope of study.


In this research, I will discuss about the relationship with previous journal. This chapter deals with the assessment of literatures which relate to the topic the selection for recruitment  of organization. Several literatures would be selected and relevant areas would be reviewed and evaluated. This chapter provides information about aspect of previous works which relate to this study. In view of this, a number of presentations culled from various sources are under review here.
D. Paul Dhinakaran and Dr.M.Rajaraja (2004) Kumbakonam at India said that, recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job.  Recruitment is the process of finding suitable candidates for the various posts. Selection is the process in which candidates of employment are divided into two classes, those who are to be offered employment and those who are not to be. Staffing was once part of the organization function of management. In view of its importance it has now come to be recognized as a separating function of management. From this study, it is found that majority of employees are effectively by understanding clearly about the selection process and properly match the profile. The TNSTC Corporation may conduct similar type of research at regular intervals to know the changing attitude of workers and to know about their effectiveness improve the recruitment selection process.
Vinita Sinha and Priya Thaly (2013) at India said that Recruitment is a vital function of human recourse management, which can be defined as the process of searching the right talent and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. It is the process of discovering the sources of personnel to meet the requirements of the staffing agenda and attracting the adequate number of employees, as to be able to make the effective selection among the applicants. On the basis of analysis of the data in the present study, it has been found that in the current scenario, companies prefer to adopt social media, job portals and campus recruitment to hire candidates across skill sets. This system has helped the organizations to get the right talent pool while being cost effective. In other words, by using channels such as social media, job sites, and campus recruitment, companies have been able to get the effective resources with minimum cost.
Dr. Rimjhim Gupta and Tanuja Jain (2014) Udaipur in India said that Recruitment is the discovering of potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. Or, from another perspective, it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs to fill and those seeking job. The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will take the job if it is offered. It should also provide information so that unqualified applicants can self-select themselves out of job candidacy; this is, a good recruiting program should attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified. This dual objective will minimize the cost of processing unqualified candidates. Dr. Rimjhim Gupta and Tanuja Jain (2014) said that Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. Selection is much more than just choosing the best candidate. It is an attempt to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and wants to do and what the organization require. On the basis of the findings of the study investigation, the following conclusions can be drawn. As District central cooperative  Bank is giving more emphasize on external sources of recruitment, it is getting the freedom of choosing from a wide range of diverse candidates But as internal recruitment is less costly and time consuming compared to external recruitment,  Bank should try to balance between internal and external recruitment based on the type of the job, availability of time and financial conditions.
Neeraj Kumari (2012) India said that Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. Selection is much more than just choosing the best candidate. It is an attempt to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and wants to do and what the organization requires. The main thing that I want to conclude firstly is that with the help of analysis, feedback generated through questionnaire I found that the company is following an effective Recruitment and Selection process to maximum extent. . Company should focus on long term consistent performance rather than short term. The emphasis towards training and enhancing skills of recruiters needs to be more and also consistent. Even though a human resource (HR) manager has many challenges to face in order to ensure that the human resource department contributes to the bottom-line and emerges as a strategic.
Aruna S. Gamage (2014) at Sri Lanka said that Recruitment and selection are vital functions of human resource management for any type of business organization. These are terms that refer to the process of attracting and choosing candidates for employment. The quality of the human resource the firm has heavily depends on the effectiveness of these two functions. Recruiting and selecting the wrong candidates who are not capable, do not fit the culture or vibes of the organization can be a huge negative cost which is something that most organization cannot afford. The overall aim of recruitment and selection within an organization is to obtain the number and quality of employees that are required to satisfy the strategic objectives of the organization, at minimal cost. As researcher conclude, Based on the analysis of data, a positive and statistically significant correlation of recruitment and selection intensity with HR outcomes was found. It implies the idea that recruitment and selection intensity represented by recruitment and selection intensity index are keeping positive relations with HR outcomes. As all these relations are positive, with the increase of the usage of the recruitment and selection practices, HR outcomes, knowledge quality, occupational health and safety, job satisfaction, employee commitment, employee attitudes employee motivation, employee loyalty, employee involvement and workplace cooperation will be increased.
            Dr. Sneha Mankikar (2014) at Bangalore, India said that Recruitment and selection procedure plays a very important role in the present business concept. Since the company’s functions starts with recruitment and selection, if it is not done in a systematic and effective way, all other functions will get affected. Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which continues with selection and betterment with the placement of the candidates. Furthermore, the researcher also concludes that recruitment and selection process getting very much importance these days in the organization. It is very critical thing to evaluate the human resource. It is a systematic procedure that involves many activities. The process includes the step like human resource (HR) planning attaining applicant and screening them. It is very important activity as it provides right place at right time. It is not easy  not an easy task as organization future is depend on this activity, if suitable employees are selected which are beneficial to the organization it is at safe side but if decision goes wrong it can be dangerous to the organization . So it is an activity for which human resource departments gets very much importance. Recruitment and selection procedure and its important also gets changed as the organization changed.
            Neeraj Kumari (2012) in India said that the recruitment needs are of three types which are as follow. First one is planned needs. These are the needs that arise from the changes in the organization and retirement policy creating vacancy for new jobs. Second one is anticipated needs. These are those movements in personal which an organization can predict by studying trends both in external as well as internal environment. Last one is unexpected needs. These needs arise due to various reasons like deaths, resignations, accidents, illness, relocation.
                Jill Young (2013) in Malaysia said that argue that the more effectively the recruitment stage is carried out the less important the actual selection process becomes. When an organization makes the decision to fill an existing vacancy through recruitment, the first stage in the process involves conducting a comprehensive job analysis. This may already have been conducted through the human resource planning process, particularly where recruitment is a relatively frequent occurrence. Once a job analysis has been conducted, the organization has a clear indication of the particular requirements of the job, where that job fits into the overall organization structure, and can then begin the process of recruitment to attract suitable candidates for the particular vacancy.
A research by Sarah St. Clair (1990) at Loma conducted to examine the relationship between use of the social media as a recruitment source and student attitudes. They hypothesized that that Internet recruitment would be seen as presenting less accurate information to applicants as compared to informal forms of recruitment. In addition, greater applicant use of Internet-based recruiting information was expected to be associated with lower satisfaction with the organization. The data did not support the hypotheses; hence the role of online recruitment was significantly established through this study.
Another study conducted by Ivan T. Robertson and Mike Smit (2001) at USA said that attempted to investigate how employers' recruitment strategies change in response to different conditions on the relevant regional labour market. Their empirical findings show that the hiring of unemployed candidates and the use of the public employment service are events more likely to happen in a slack regional labour market. On the basis of their results they concluded that the use of advertisements and the hiring of already-employed job seekers are more likely to occur in the presence of excess demand on the relevant regional labour market.

Mufu Godwill Fomunjong (2007) at Cameroon stated that approach used to decide on the choices of the selected participants to be interviewed stemmed from the reflection that, researchers should aim for a high level of saturation in the responses given by the interviewees. Interviewees give almost similar answers to the questions posed to them, a significant level of saturation is attained in which case, the validity of the study should be considered high. As already mentioned, the primary data has been collected by the use of semi structured interviews complemented by the non-probability sampling method (the judgment and the snowball techniques). Each interview varied for an average, of between one to two hours. The major pre-determined criterion for all participants was five years longevity in their current positions either in the workforce of the various companies included in the study or as residents of the local communities.  The interviews were carried out manually, without the use of a recording device such as an audiotape. One reason for this was that the researcher experienced during his Post Graduate Diploma thesis that informants were not comfortable in the presence of a tape recorder thus, can served as a source of distraction. It was not easy to get people to talk on tape especially on a topic that dwells on corruption. However a summary of the most important and relevant responses in the interviews were written down under the specific or preceding questions. This was followed by a discussion on the interview to ensure that both the interviewee and the researcher have interpreted the responses in a similar manner This is justified by the fact that it searches for different categories of employees and is very accurate in its recruitment process in the searching and buying of innovative human capital and other companies into the business. Since the company also has predefined recruiting standards and look for best candidates, the company is seen as autonomous.
Francis C. Anyim, Joy Onyinyechi Ekwoaba, and Ideh, Dumebi Anthony (2012) at Nigeria states that recruitment and selection process come in four stages: defining requirements, attracting candidates, selecting candidates and placing them on the job and added personality assessment to the lists guided by tests and interviews, concludes that the ability tests measure the capacity for: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, spatial reasoning and mechanical reasoning.
Rosemond Boohene, (2011) at Ghana said that indicated that to be a high performing organization, human resource management must be able to assist the organization to place the right person in the right job. The human resource management practices include recruitment, selection, placement, evaluation, training and development, compensation and benefits, and retention of the employees of an organization. Businesses have developed human resource information systems that support: (i) recruitment, selection, and hiring, (ii) job placement, (iii) performance appraisals, (iv) employee benefits analysis, (v) training and development and (vi) health, safety, security. In sum, GCGL’s financial performance could be explained by its effective recruitment and selection practices and performance appraisal practices. As the review of the literature showed, research has established that although the value of a company’s human resource assets may not show up directly on its balance sheet, it nevertheless, has tremendous impact on an organisation’s performance.  However, there was insufficient evidence to show that GCGL’s remuneration practices as well as its training and development practices contribute positively towards its corporate performance, as perceived by the respondents. Researchers also conclude that recruitment is the phase that immediately precedes selection. Its purpose is to pave the way for the selection process by producing ideally the smallest number of candidates who appear to be eligible either in performing required tasks or developing the ability to do so within a period of time acceptable to the employing organization. The crux of the matter is that the employing organization should not waste resources in examining the credentials of people whose qualifications do not match the requirements of the job. This is clearly in the interest of both the employing organization and the applicants. The objective of a recruitment procedure is to attract genuinely suitable candidates and carefully examine their credentials in order to produce a shortlist for further screening in the selection process.
Margaret A. Richardson (no date) at Trinidad and Tobago said that Internal recruitment does not always produce the number or quality of personnel needed; in such an instance, the organisation needs to recruit from external sources, either by encouraging walk-in applicants; advertising vacancies in newspapers, magazines and journals, and the visual and/or audio media; using employment agencies to “head hunt”; advertising on-line via the Internet; or through job fairs and the use of college recruitment. Researcher also stated in conclusion, new approaches to recruitment are being used.  In many territories, the strategies are manual but, as automated methods become more pervasive, those mechanisms that support its use will assume greater popularity.  Whatever the strategies selected for use, the objective is to recruit the most qualified, committed individuals into the organisations and ensure that the provision of government services to the public is timely and effective, that the goods are of consistent high quality and that the organisations achieve the objectives for which they have been established.

            Wendy Ming-Yen Teoh, Sy-Cha Tan and Siong Choy Chong (2013) at Malaysia said that the perception of Internet recruitment has been operationalized in four ways in light of its characteristics. First, Internet recruitment allows any prospective candidate to obtain a satisfying view of his or her future career possibilities. Access to past and current job openings allows university students to determine how their current academic pursuits match the different jobs that they could possibly undertake in the future. They are able to identify a range of jobs that they could perform by mapping their skills, knowledge, and abilities against the different job descriptions advertised on the Internet, which therefore allows them to grasp the breadth of available job opportunities. Second, Internet recruitment could potentially prompt university students to be more aware of their future career opportunities. This outcome can be achieved by observing the frequency of openings, types and nature of jobs, locations and promotion opportunities.  
Third and most importantly, Internet recruitment is perceived to have the ability to provide candidates with career information that could lead to better career decisions. The literature suggests that the impressions of a company that are formed during the pre-application information gathering stage could strongly affect the perceptions of job seekers towards the company and thus their intention to apply for jobs through its online recruitment system This study has achieved its objectives of identifying the factors that influence the perceptions of university students towards Internet recruitment. It has contributed to the rich literature concerning this area of study, particularly in Malaysia. Managerially, the findings increase the understanding of employers of the factors that affect the perceptions of university students towards Internet recruitment, particularly corporations that use online recruitment.
            Alice Z Zinyemba (2014) in Zimbabwean said that Advertising is done in order to have a greater pool of applicants from which to select. It is company policy in many organizations to advertise for vacant posts. Advertising in print media such as newspapers and journals and on television is expensive. The study established that most companies in Zimbabwe use print media for advertising job vacancies. Other than the cost, there is a another challenge associated with advertising, that of determining which is the best print media or television programme with a wider readership or listenership in which to advertise. A miscalculation of the media to advertise in may be costly in that the effort may fail to reach the targeted potential candidates. Sourcing in the right place is a recruitment challenge for the human resources manager. Recruitment efforts may be made ineffective when the advertising does not reach the intended targeted destination. Choice of media is very critical for effective recruitment. For example the newspaper B-Metro in Bulawayo based and its circulation is also limited. The same can be said of H- metro whose circulation is limited to Harare. These papers are not widely circulated in Zimbabwe. Advertising in newspapers with a limited readership limits the recruitment pool. Many small to medium sized companies cannot meet the costs of advertising in the print media or on television and radio. The labour pool for such organizations tends to be small and they end up employing less qualified personnel The findings of research into the challenges faced by 10 organizations in Zimbabwe as regards recruitment and selection are indicative of the challenges faced by employer organization in Zimbabwe in general. The study revealed that cost of advertising, misrepresentation of qualifications, nepotism and favouritism, geographical location of a company, change in business model of the organization and political interference pose challenges of recruitment and selection.
N. Sivaram and K. Ramar (2011) at Tamil Nadu, India said that the various selection methods include analysis of application form, self-assessment, telephone screening, tests depending on the requirement of the industry (such as aptitude, technical, programming, personality, interest test. Generally industries use a combination of the selection methods, based on their job nature, cost, time, accuracy, culture and acceptability. There are three aspects of selection criteria. They are organizational criteria, functional/departmental criteria and individual job criteria. Finally, the recruitment committee must consider the adaptation of the job, departmental and organizational characteristics to the applicant’s characteristics. Hence the recruitment committee designs each level of the recruitment process to reflect their need. The recruitment mining problem has been identified and the domain has been well studied by interacting with the domain experts. Analysis has been made by giving different set of inputs for the classifier by discretizing the continuous attribute and traditional methods. The set of input attributes are not same for all the industries and usually varies every year. Therefore, further analysis could be made to identify the best of attributes that will realize better selection criteria
Chris Piotrowski and Terry Armstrong (2006) at North America said that there has been recent concern and thoughtful discussion on the potential threat of unscientific claims about personnel selection methods that include personality testing on the Internet and the use of online testing for selection purposes specifically. At the same time, and largely based on the public's acceptance of the Internet and related technological applications, both public and private companies, including governmental agencies, are re-thinking traditional personnel selection processes and recruiting methods. on the restrictive and limited nature of the data on which the current resuhs are based, our findings should be considered exploratory and in need of further, more in-depth investigation. Future research in this area should focus on a) the psychometric credibility of specific online assessment instruments, the drawbacks and limitations of online approaches in human resources, applicants' attitudes and perceptions of online selection methods, graduate-level education on selection practices, and cross-national outcome studies on tbe use of tbe Internet for personnel selection purposes with a focus on tbe impact on human resource practices.
István Juhász (2010) at Hungary said that Selection methods can be evaluated in several ways. One possible approach is to compare hiring techniques on the basis of their validity, impartiality, scope of usage, and cost. The methods presented in the paper help employers to avoid excessive subjectivity. They are useful not only in revealing the qualities of applicants, but also to identify the weaknesses of present employees, their competences to develop: they can help the existing sales force to become more successful and the company to become more profitable.
Mustapha, Adeniyi Mudashiru , Ilesanmi, O.A., Aremu, M. (2013) at Nigeria said that The methods of recruiting will depend upon the source of recruitment the organization intends to utilize Where an organization decides on a policy of recruitment from within, then the methods of recruitment will include job posting on public boards in order to inform all employees and so allow open competition; the secret review of the records of employees and giving the jobs to chosen employees; and finally, announcement to employees and unions that there are vacancies and that new hands will be welcome. Employees and unions are then in a position to inform friends, relations and colleagues. These methods of recruitment will work well for filling low-paid positions in the organization. As conclusion, the aim of recruitment goes beyond mere filling of vacancies to include individual development and achievement. It aims to build a strong organisation where effective team work, and the individuals needs are realized at the same time. To achieve this aim, the organisation must re-adopt recruitment policies which are internally consistent and which are also consistent with the objectives of the organisation and the expectations of the larger society. A good selection process is one that is properly planned and well operated. Poor recruitment efforts could lead to the selection of poor applicants because positions are to be filled too quickly

            According to Djabatey and Edward Nartey (2012) in the Greater Accra Region said that a common problem in recruitment and selection is poor human resource (HR) planning. Rigorous HR planning translates business strategies into specific human resource management (HRM) policies and practices. This is particularly so with recruitment and selection policies and practices. The key goal of HR planning is to get the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost. Detailed and robust recruitment and selection policies, such as recruitment and selection procedures, assessing criteria, talents auditing and processing the information about the labour market are important in recruiting and deploying appropriate employees at the right time. Past research shows that the competency level of HR managers has a major influence on recruitment and selection and experienced HR experts within the HR department will not only shorten vacancy duration, but also improve the quality of the applicants. Moreover, effective recruitment and selection is possible only if there is a dedicated and competent HR team. The focus of recruitment and selection is to match the capabilities of prospective candidates against the demands and rewards inherent in a given job.  For this reason, top performing companies devote considerable resources and energy to creating high quality selection systems. Recruitment and selection process are important practices for human resource management, and are crucial in affecting organizational success. The quality of new recruits depends upon an organization's recruitment practices, and that the relative effectiveness of the selection phase is inherently dependent upon the calibre of candidates attracted.
            Whitmell Associates, (2004) said that in the strategy implementation phase, the extent of recruitment and selection strategic integration can be gauged through four distinctive indicators. These indicators are: the timely supply of an adequately qualified workforce, effective job analysis and descriptions, effective selection, and the involvement of line managers in the recruitment and selection practices. A key source of 24 uncertainties in the business strategy implementation is whether there is a timely supply of adequate qualified people, and to a great extent this uncertainty involves the quality of employees. For instance, a firm might decide to leverage a different human capital pool in terms of skills and education level than its rival firms as a competitive strategy even within the same industry to develop specific capabilities or to develop a HR process advantage. An organization can successfully eliminate this uncertainty if its recruitment and selection policies and practices are strategically integrated with business.


Knowledge or academic qualification
Working Experience
Soft Skills
Selection for recruitment

2.5.4        IV3 : SOFT SKILLS

Selection for Recruitment
Terms refer to the process of attracting and choosing candidates for employment. The personnel department of a larger business will often have detailed recruitment and selection policies that need to be followed by those responsible for hiring new employees. Vinita Sinha and Priya Thaly (2013) said that selection for recruitment is a vital function of human recourse management, which can be defined as the process of searching the right talent and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. It is the process of discovering the sources of personnel to meet the requirements of the staffing agenda and attracting the adequate number of employees, as to be able to make the effective selection among the applicants.

Working Experience
            Work experience is any experience that a person gains while working in a specific field or occupation, but the expression is widely used to mean a type of volunteer work that is commonly intended for young people often students  to get a feel for professional working environments. Lars Behrenz (2008) is support that important part of the selection process is the decision to call an applicant to a job interview. Which is characteristics of employers regarded most important when deciding whether the applicant should be call to an interview or not. The characteristic “experience” and” education” together made up 75 per cent. As can be seen, only few employers regarded “good application papers.

Knowledge or Academic Qualification
            Human faculty resulting from interpreted information; understanding that germinates from combination of data, information, experience, and individual interpretation. Variously defined as, "Things that are held to be true in a given context and that drive us to action if there were no impediments". Jean-Marie Guéhenno (2008) also support that written tests are used by a majority of police agencies. The paper and pencil and computerized versions of these tests come in many forms and are intended to measure a variety of things. To be of merit, the tests must deal with job-related issues and must have predictive value; that is, they should be able to predict whether an applicant has the ability to perform police work well.

Soft Skills

Soft skills is a term often associated with a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize relationships with other people. European Commission Flash Euro barometer 304 Employers perception of graduate employability (2008) support that sector-specific skills were considered important by more than 80% of Graduate employers in almost all countries included in this study; the only exception being Denmark: 27% of employers in this country thought that sector-specific skills were rather unimportant or not important at all when recruiting higher education graduates in their company.
HYPOTHESIS 1: Working experience has significant relationship with selecting for recruitment.
HYPOTHESIS 2: Knowledge or academic qualification has significant relationship with selecting for recruitment.
HYPOTHESIS 3: A soft skill has significant relationship with selection for recruitment.
HYPOTHESIS 4: Working experience, knowledge or academic qualification and Soft skills, have significant relationship with recruitment and selecting process.

Overall, Chapter 2 indicate the beginning of this research which is cover on introduction, the concept of selection for recruitment, the process recruitment and selection, recruiting sources and methods and challenges of recruitment and selection.


            This Chapter introduces the research methodology used for this study and how it has guided to collect data. In this chapter also, we will discuss about the research method and design appropriateness, population, sample, the methods used to collect data, and also the methods used to analyse data throughout the study. The whole process which conducted in this research will be carried out carefully and relevant decisions can be obtained at the end of the research.
This research model showed that Independent Variable (IV) and Dependent Variable (DV) are related with each other. For better understanding of the relationship among variables, the relationship is shown below

                        Figure 1: Figure of Independent Variable and Dependent Variable

Working Experience
Knowledge or Academic Qualification
Soft Skills

Selection for Recruitment

            The research will base on assessing recruitment and selection process of fresh graduates in Puchong Jaya. The designs are a descriptive study which will use quantitative tools. The study was based on the use of questionnaires. These approaches were use because they were satisfactory tools for collecting data for the sample population to investigate the topic under study among community in Bandar Puchong Jaya. The data collection form is comprised of two methods, which are the primary data and secondary data.
            There are two types of studies, which are deductive and inductive. In my research I will use deductive method. Deductive is research approach involving the testing of a theoretical proposition by the employment of a research strategy specifically designed for the purpose of its testing.

This research will be conducted in Bandar Puchong Jaya, Selangor. In which research distribute 100 questionnaire surveys which is focus on fresh graduates. In this study, the sampling use is simple random sampling. Random sampling is given to the respondents who have works. So that, in this research, the study population consist of the workers either types of occupation they are. This is because the workers have the experience about leadership which is replacing leaders to prepare future leaders.

3.5       SAMPLE SIZE
A sample size of 100 will be chosen from the selected branches for the study. This is based on the fresh graduates of the various colleges and university to ensure that the samples will representative enough to draw conclusion.

The simple random sampling technique will use to select respondents from the various colleges and university. This is basically because 37 the population will have an equal chance of being selected. Significantly, the purposive sampling technique, which is a non-probability sampling technique, will use to select respondents who deal directly with recruitment and selection from the Human Resource Department. This is because the researcher wants to deal with only typical cases based on the objectives of the study.

            The study will base on the use of questionnaires.  Inside questionnaires I will use multiple choice questions. The definition of multiple choice questions are forms of assessment in which respondents will ask to select the best possible answers out of the choices from a list. It is because very easy to respondents to respond the questionnaires. The researcher used questionnaire. Besides that, I also will use likert scale  and  definition for likert scale is a method of ascribing quantitative value to qualitative data, to make it amenable to statistical analysis. A numerical value is assigned to each potential choice and a mean figure for all the responses is computed at the end of the evaluation or survey. The researcher prepared the questionnaires to be responded by the sampled fresh graduates. The questions will design to make the purpose of the study successful after the results have been ascertained. In this questionnaire, consist three sections. The content of section A demographic background, section B about dependent variable and the following section C consist of three independent variable. This instrument gave expected information about the recruitment and selection procedures or practices.

The purpose of using questionnaire was to identify and how recruitment and selection process fresh graduates. I will use multiple choice questions for these research questionnaires.
The details of the questionnaire question are as follows:
Measurement Subject
Measurement Code
Section A


  • Male
  • Female

  • Malay
  • Indian
  • Chinese
  • Others
  • 19-24
  • 22-24
  • 25-28
  • 29 and above

  • Islam
  • Buddha
  • Hindu
  • Others
Level of education
  • SPM
  • STPM
  • Diploma
  • Degree

Instruction: Please circle the appropriate answer.
1) Gender       
    a. Male       
    b. Female

2) Race
    c. India 

3) Religion

4) Age 
    a. 19-21 years old
    b. 22-24 years old
    c. 25-28 years old
    d. 29 and above years old

5) Level of education
    a. SPM
    b. STPM/Diploma
    c. Degree
    d. Master

The recruitment and selection process is important for new and established businesses alike. Your human resources department has the support and expertise of employment specialists who assist hiring managers with the procedures to ensure your company leaders are making wise hiring decisions. There are several pieces to the recruitment and selection process: sourcing candidates, reviewing and tracking applicants, conducting interviews and selection for employment.

1) How the organizations clearly define in the recruitment process at Bandar Puchong Jaya?
a. position Objectives
b. Requirements
c. Candidate Specifications

2) How well are the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

3) There equal opportunities for all would-be (potential) employees when it comes to recruitment and selection?
 a. Yes 
 b. No

 4) Improving Recruitment and Selection Practices at your organization?
a. Equal Opportunity for all
b. General Public be given a chance
Qualification linked to job

4) Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process?
a. Yes
b. No

5) Does human resource (HR) provides an adequate pool of quality applicants?
a. Yes
b. No

6) Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

7) Does the human resource (HR) team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process?
a. Yes
b. No

8) Are job vacancies made open to the general public?
a. Yes
b. No     

9) Rate how well human resource (HR) finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when Necessary?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

10) Are these recruitment and selection practices able to give you the needed and qualified candidates to fill the vacancies? 
a. Yes
b. No

11) Does the bank have any agent(s) that recruits and selects employees?
a. Yes
b. No

12) Do you follow different recruitment processes for different grades of employees? 
a. Yes
b. No

13) What is the basis for selection?
a. Knowledge or Academic Qualification
b. Experience
c. Both

14) Where you can find the vacancies?
a. Internet
b. Newspaper
c. Employee reference 

Likert scale questionnaire

Questions based on Likert scale research method, indicating improve the recruitment and selection.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Academic qualification were considered for recruitment and selection of employee

Working experience were considered for recruitment and selection of employee

Soft skills were considered for recruitment and selection of employee

The challenges the department encounter in the recruiting and selecting of employee is labour turnover

The challenges the department encounter in the recruiting and selecting of employee is lack of talents

The challenges the department encounter in the recruiting and selecting of employee is competition

Factors to help improve recruitment and selection is early advertisement and detailed job description

Early advertisement and detailed job description is adequate background check

Factors to help improve recruitment and selection is procedure for selection

recruitment and selection practices or processes could be improved by Equal opportunity for all

recruitment and selection practices or processes could be improved by General public be given a chance

recruitment and selection practices or processes could be improved by Qualification linked to job

Important element of interviewers have is languages

Important element of interviewers have is communication skills

Important element of interviewers have is leadership skills

Higher education graduates recruited in the last three to five years have the skills required to work

This is just a place to work and is separate from my personal interests

The needs of the organisation are more important than my own personal interests

To collect the data I use two types of method which is through primary data collection and secondary data collection.  For primary data, researcher will distribute questionnaires to respondent to collect data. The question will be based on IV which affects the DV. In addition, 100 sets of questionnaire are distributed to respondent in Bandar Puchong Jaya. Meanwhile, secondary data collections in this study will collect through the Internet such as in emerald, Google scholar and articles.

The collect data will statistically analysis, will using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS). Representations like tables and charts will use to ensure easy and quick interpretation of data. Responses will express in percentages. The items will group based on the responses given by the respondents and will cod for easy usage of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). This method will use because it is the best instrument to identify, compare, describe and reach a conclusion.

Degree and type of relationship between any two or more quantities (variables) in which they vary together over a period; for example, variation in the level of expenditure or savings with variation in the level of income. A positive correlation exists where the high values of one variable are associated with the high values of the other variable(s). A 'negative correlation' means association of high values of one with the low values of the other(s). Correlation can vary from +1 to -1. Values close to +1 indicate a high-degree of positive correlation, and values close to -1 indicate a high degree of negative correlation. Values close to zero indicate poor correlation of either kind, and 0 indicates no correlation at all. While correlation is useful in discovering possible connections between variables, it does not prove or disprove any cause-and-effect (causal) relationships between them. (Business

Multiple regressions are an extension of simple linear regression. It is used when we want to predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or more other variables. The variable we want to predict is called the dependent variable (or sometimes, the outcome, target or criterion variable).
            As a conclusion, to conduct this research i used descriptive research which leads to quantitative research method. I also will use questionnaire to conduct this research. A 100 sample was selected randomly to conduct this research. Our respondents are composed of a variety of ethnic, age, sex and also different type organization i choose our respondent randomly in Bandar Puchong Jaya.
            I apply simple random sampling method in this research. Other than that, i will use primary and secondary data in this study. I will use questionnaires to obtain data concerning the selection of cupping. For secondary data, I will use a method of finding information on the Internet by reference journal.

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